As i was searching the internet for prostitutes tart cards i came across a project by Wallpaper* that took this idea as a basis for a project. they propositioned hundreds of designers, from students to the famous to come up with their own ideas for tart cards but interpreting type into the designs.
There are 450 cards in total, all witty and punchy but quietly highlighting the issues of human trafficing. A reminder that there is a sinister world behind each card.
Here are some that caught my eye..
I like the use of the double word inside a word and the way this is shown here, i may play with this idea with my tART title.
Here the use of letters to show phallic imagery is very effective, its innocent enough to be seen in public without obvious offensive. This may be something to consider when i am mixing advertising a prostitute with a art show, i have to remember my audience and who it will offend if seen by the wrong eyes. I may try and use type and symbols to create my own imagery for the poster.
Maybe this...
(naughty and innocent)
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