
Red light district

A red-light district is a part of an urban area where there is a concentration of prostitution and sex-oriented businesses, such as sex shops, strip clubs, adult theaters, etc. The term originates from the red lights that were used as signs of brothels.

As prostitution is legal in Amsterdam the ladies display themselves in red tinted windows ready for work, as men parade down the street shopping for what they want. The buildings of the Red Light District in Amsterdam are charming, set on cobbled streets and in beautiful buildings.

It maybe that i could display my work like that in the Red Light District. I could use each window as a space for another piece of work, each put in a cabinet behind the red windows, a captured audience already prepared for the naughtiness to be unveiled.
Just like this woman displaying herself to the audience i will replace the real women with my collection of old and new art, phallic and pornographic to represent different aspects of prostitution in the Amsterdam streets.
I could invite the audience still by handing out calling cards but when visiting the exhibit they realise that what they will see is art not real prostitutes, although still alongside them on the streets.
It could be that i still keep the prostitutes in each of the window booths, or at least some of them and the work is displayed behind them, just on show in the background so the audience in unknowingly looking at the art.

As for Ben Longs London phone box i could take it out of the London scene and bring it onto the streets of Amsterdam, displaying it on the street near the exhibition full to the brim of its tart cards. Passers by will question why a traditionally English object was displayed out of context and may venture inside to take a look..inviting people who wouldn't usually visit art to take a look at what is being displayed.
The beautiful cobbled streets of Amsterdam are a perfect location for my exhibition.

The work i choose will be displayed in windows like these. i will try to create a model to show this and how the pieces will be displayed.

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