London prostitutes advertise their services and they have become as ubiquitous a symbol of that city as the red telephone boxes in which they are found. Step in to any Central London call box and you can contemplate up to eighty cards inviting you to be tied, teased, spanked or massaged either in luxury apartments, fully-equipped chambers or the privacy of your own hotel room. All this and more is just ‘one minute away’ from the box in which you are standing. Read the cards in the boxes and you get more than just a hint of an alternative London. Some people find the cards offensive, others amusing; for the girls and their customers they are a commercial necessity.
I think the tart cards will be a great way to advertise the art show, displaying them in the same places and basing it on their designs.
I prefer the idea of using the simpler designs without the pornographic imagery, leaving a lot more to the imagination and enabling a lot more wit and humour into the designs. This will leave room to play with the concept and leave a lot more to the imagination.
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